Independent Police Support Group
Courage and Integrity
This site is for both the police and the public, with the passing of time and the increased use of social media and citizen jounalism it is apparent that both good police officers and the public have a shared interest in highlighting and tackling police corruption.
Some serving and retired police officers are also exasperated at the decline in modern policing resulting in poor service and a lack of investigation of crimes that affect the public directly and their quality of life.
Retired detectives have set up private security companies providing private policing arresting and privately prosecuting criminals.
Members of the public acting as auditors with Youtube channels are regularly highlighting the lack of basic police knowledge and abuse of power by police officers whilst profiting from this version of integrity testing.
We would like to see the police go back to basics treating the public with respect and dignity.
The police should not be influenced by politics, the current 2 tier policing and justice system is affecting the trust and confidence of the public
"the police are the public and the public are the police" Sir Robert Peel

Heading 6

The IPSG was formed in 2004 by a serving officer as a result of concerns regarding the lack of help and support when police whistleblowers were targeted by their police forces which would result in either police suicide or serious harm and damage to officers and their families.
The culture of fear and bullying in police forces would often result in employment tribunal cases where officers and police staff were abandoned by their unions and the Police Federation.
The IPSG also helps officers and police staff with as much or as little help needed in domestic abuse matters, family court matters, employment tribunals and advice regarding whistleblowing,
Whilst the police service is sometimes referred to as a family, in reality if you did the "right thing" you will find that you are alone and fortunate if you have only one or two colleagues standing by you, you may find that members of the public are supporting you especially; if you are raising concerns about matters that personally affect members of the public.
Institutional corruption is also a factor in many large organisations, in the police senior officers are able to influence their internally based local Police Federation who are members of the same force. Cronyism can play a part with officers being treated differently as to the level of support and assistance they may receive.
Professional Standards Departments (PSD), operate under different titles depending which force you belong to including PSB, PSD or DPS in The Metropolitan police. These departments can also be misused by senior officers. In the United States these departments are commonly referred to as "Internal Affairs".
The IPSG is not shy of challenging officers at whatever rank including Chief Constables who may have abused theirposition to victimise and/or silence good officers.
Good officers and supervisors are often simply just doing their job in protecting the public including challenging or raising concerns about rogue officers.
If your case falls into the "too difficult" tray and you are not getting the support and assistance that you need please get in touch.

The team
Julian King

Neil Humphries

Mackenzie Friend


Mackenzie Friend

Office Managers
(Job share)